The Tomb of the Warrior Prince
The bronze foil cinerary urn, covered by a silver bowl, contained, according to a very ancient "heroic" rite described by Homer, the burnt bones, collected after the incineration ceremony, wrapped in a linen cloth, along with the deceased's precious personal ornaments. Outside were laid the other items of the rich trousseau: iron elements pertaining to two chariots burned during the funeral rite, the bronze pottery, weapons and insignia of power. The dolio that contained the cinerary urn was covered by a bronze shield. Inside the dolio were laid the precious jewels referring to the personal sphere of the deceased, while the objects laid outside the dolio, had a specific connotation in relation to the public significance of the personage, symbols of status and power designating the deceased as an eminent figure of a community, hence the qualification of "Warrior Prince."